Obama The Infuriating
We here at the shack have always been infuriated by the way in which America is run: by the rich, for the rich. We argue and argue against a system gone horribly wrong, but what more can we do? we're up against huge conglomerates who have lots of money with endless zeros on the ends of their numbers, like billions and trillions. we have nothing. except people. granted it's a lot of people but not yet in the trillions. assuming $1 = 1 human life, we've lost the battle. and that's a truly optimistic equation, because history has proven human life is worthless.
Now we have a president who seemingly came out of nowhere with a promise of change. And he has the change in skin color, notably different from all the other presidents in history, to convince you that change is here. During the election season the Guerrillas were writing our first album, War. Some people told us to finish it up and get it out before the elections because Obama is coming to right all the wrongs. we were skeptical. i mean, it IS still America, isn't it? the country that doesn't hesitate to war against poor people worldwide? how far outside the system could Obama be?
Well we have our answer. He's entrenched in American business as usual: the business of corporate dominance over people and endless wars to secure this dominance. From overthrowing the government of Honduras to bombing Pakistan weekly and more (there's a complete list of countries we're active in here: http://www.thenation.com/blog/obamas-expanding-covert-wars)... to passing watered-down healthcare legislation that was supported by all pharmaceutical and healthcare companies.. to proudly leaning right after it passed, declaring offshore drilling as "safe". we have a president that IS business as usual. what is unusual is his gift of oration, which placates us into thinking someone is in charge of this ship, but really only corporations are, leaving no one in charge of our mother ship earth. we are on a slippery slope of self-annihilation in the pursuit of a man made construct of money, which is becoming worthless because the money system is unsustainable. the billionaires are grabbing real resources from the earth, while the rest are trying to create more digits/zeros in our bank accounts. we want growth! we want more growth! GDP, quarterly reports, everything keep growing! so is it any wonder that we landed 12,000 troups in Haiti and virtually no one in the Gulf? this illustrates perfectly that America is for the corporation and against poor people. and it's further illustrated daily in the news.
But there are some people who know what needs to be done. there was an earth summit in Cochabamba, Boliva, in April of this year. unfortunately i was too devastated by the loss of my sister to care, and the main stream media doesn't care about anything important, but this is where the people who care about the earth gathered. for more information, visit DemocracyNow.org for their April broadcasts from Cochabamba. because in order to save the planet we need to stop the growth of MONEY which, in the end, is completely worthless anyway ..