Monday, March 2, 2009

Who elected Rush Limbaugh?

Why is this guy still talking? Why is he addressing the nation on Fox news? Why is he the de-facto head of the Republican Party?

As if we weren't tired as hell of tired right-wing rhetoric, they just keep coming. Complaining about welfare states and Obama's spending, they are a true testament to the short attention span that allows history revision to happen. Who spent this country into ruin? Not the Democrats -- Bill Clinton was the only president in 30 years to balance the federal budget.

Here's what a bitching Republican likes to do: cut taxes while waging as many wars as possible, create whole new agencies that duplicate the work of other agencies (Homeland Security), not tax the wealthiest corporations AT ALL, provide subsidies for the largest corporations like agri-business (which is destroying our health) and oil companies (which is destroying our planet).

Now he's challenging Obama to a debate. What's to debate? the Right has failed America. Oh wait, they want another chance? the free markets weren't really free enough to do their magic? Let the people decide what to do with their money? let them pull themselves up by their bootstraps while we carry the largest corporations on our hands?

More and more aggravation. These guys are still here and going strong, ready to pounce on any misstep. They want and got the peoples money, now all they need to do is convince us that it will trickle BACK DOWN to us. "Thanks for the money, maybe we'll employ a few of you down the line some time. Bye!"

It's the American Dream. It's socialism for the top, capitalism for the bottom. America was built by the rich for the rich. And for all their bitching about welfare spending we're about to give more money out to the richest 1% of the population then all the welfare spending of these last decades. I'm sure we won't even have a number until it's too late, thanks to geniuses like Geithner, Bernanke and Summers, who are all part of the problem. Unchecked they will bankrupt America and the American Dream will be what it's always been: hope that one day we'll live like them.. (echo, echo, ech..)


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