here at Gshack it all seems the same these past years. America says: "we're for peace, freedom and democracy, but we like this war, which is for the greater peace of the (fill in region) region". Funny how war is always the answer towards a "lasting" peace.
Amnesty International was kind enough recently to email me Condoleeza Rice's address, and i was delighted to write her an email. Actually i've been DYING to write her an email for years. My question to her: "How can you say the same thing year after year and cause so much bloodshed without feeling guilty to the core of your existence? How can you cause so much suffering? If I were in your shoes, I'd try to do the right thing for once in these last days in office."
I'm not expecting a reply anytime soon, but i am expecting many civilians to die in the latest western-declared free-fire zone called Gaza. It's the modus operandi for the USA (and by extension, Israel), and there aren't any things on this planet more disgusting than killing everything in your "free-fire zone". Drop a pamphlet, warn the people, then kill them. Nice America.
Our only hope is a sensible Obama administration. Maybe, just maybe sense will be restored to this bloody planet..
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